Hi I'm 'Bloggita' the offspring of the refash sistas. Welcome to our world of sisterhood... I will attempt to report on their fortnightly gatherings and the creations, gossip and other events that evolve.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Refash oct sometime.

Refash oct sometime.
Once again, refash was a restorative (both to clothes, hearts and souls) event awash with much noise, food, ideas and laughter.
Kezzita was our host and managed quite well despite her entertainment anxiety. The latter was no doubt helped by the excellent bottle of champagne provided by rookie Nikita and quaffed enthusiastically by all early comers. sassita and Julietta were sadly missed but we appreciated their portion of the champagne. Food was also in abundance. It was almost like the loaves and the fishes with Kezzita needing to provide very little at all which is just a s well as she was poorly prepared.
Judita tackled a self portrait that is to be part of a family montage. Alas, she lacked enthusiasm for this project. her energy was really with the books of sensational mosaics that she had found at the library. Watch this space and Juditas school for some fantastic new creations.
Kezzita had her mosaic fish on show just to prove that she can actually almost accomplish something (it just needs grouting) other than talking and giving opinions and managed to finish Sassitas necklace - see photo. Commissions taken.
Lauzzita stuck with mending and sifting thro some fabric fragments to use in her dolls house.
Bellita was festooned with dyed doilies and mockups of her T shirts which look fab.
Siggita was working her magic down on the floor drafting a pattern and cutting out some gorgeous fabric for dresses for Bellitas girls.
Nikita had grand plans of designing some cards to give as gifts. Little progress seemed to be made in this direction but she did give lots of helpful advice to bellita (come on she must at least have some autumnal leanings!) and she has declared that she had a lovely time. Givenm that she has jsut raised 18K for diabetes research, she needed some good girly time to recharge.
The next meeting will be at Siggita's house on Friday week.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
Love kezzita

Monday, October 26, 2009

my button necklace

Kezzita...I was going to let you know privately but I think i will go public with this.
I wore my button necklace to work today and I recieved 13 compliments on it ....13!!!!!!!
3 people said they wanted to buy one and one asked for one for his wife. I have never been complimented so often on a piece of jewellery and we all know how fine my jewellery is!! (except maybe the woollen bracelet Jo)
so if you feel inspired to make them to sell I will take orders from work. one woman even told me she has a pile of buttons and would provide her own. BUT although this is all very nice I dont really want them all to have one because I wont be so special then..hee hee...
anyway THANKYOU SO MUCH..it is now one of my favourites..

and I'm dying to hear a report from last Friday...someone tell me pLEASE!!!
sassita the button jewellery queen

jo in the know

Oh Jo..another wonderful site...not only are you Jo sew'n'sew but also Jo-in-the-know.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eldest Child takes control (Sewjourn)

It may just be me but so far I'm hearing "APRIL!!!!!" loud and clear. Anyone out there who can't make April say Nay (or neigh)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

when will we Sewjoun ???????

These are the weekends currently avialable at Sewjourn..
18,19,20 Dec.

8,9,10 Jan
15,16,17 Jan
9,10,11 April
4,5,6 June
23,24,25 July
6,7,8 Aug
20,21,22 Aug
all Sept
all oct except last
all nov except last

I had heard it books up fast... seems to be the case.

when shall we book for???
HI girls...when and where we would next like to meet. Shall we change the night??

Monday, October 12, 2009

Petal Petal with her new mouth. Esther's response..."It's smaller but still good"... whew!!

the night required a little indulgence...perhaps that helped lift the 'friday night I'm exhausted' mood too

just a pile of autumnal buttons now but just wait and see what Kezzita can do when she waves her magic wand.

Well, well a live report it doesn't get better than that. The evening ended well with many of us moving along on projects and/or feeling much more uplifted than when we arrived.
Here are a few snaps instead of a long winded boring report.

the aprons are back!!!!!!!!!!!! its a very good sign :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Here we are

Streaming to you LIVE from refashionistas at Julieta's.
Sass lovingly displays the beautiful dresses worn by her girls at her wedding. They are very pretty but "smell like an old suitcase". So starts the display of items destined for an op shop.
"You have to be really tall to wear trifally"
"woho. woho wohoo hoohoho HO HO. This would be disgusting to wear"Kezzita....A shirt
"Just stand up while I see the thing on the bottom". Kezzita to Belita.
"I'm going to give you a hot rod" Lazita to Julieta
"That's your colour" "I know but it's not my shape"
"right I'm going to strip off"
"how cute is the bum of your jeans"
The evening is hotting up..

Monday, October 5, 2009

madeit website

Hi sistas,
did I ever put this site address up.??? It's a very interesting store and potentially a way to sell stuff. I dont know how much commission they take though.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

hi sistas...
did you all see this comment Juleita left???

The next gathering will be at my place this friday evening the 9th october 7.30pm onwards. Hope that suits everyone. can't wait to see you all! love Julieta x

Friday, October 2, 2009

where and when is the next gathering

Hi sistas,
where and when is the next gathering I wonder??
I am off disco dancing with my big sis tonight..yay!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fri nights a bit tricky for some sistas

Hi all,
I have heard on the grapevine that a sista or 2 are findidng Fri nights a bit tricky at times. Perhaps we should alternate fortnightly..ie/ once a month on a Fri night and once a month on another chosen night...
what do you think??