Hi I'm 'Bloggita' the offspring of the refash sistas. Welcome to our world of sisterhood... I will attempt to report on their fortnightly gatherings and the creations, gossip and other events that evolve.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

REFASHIONISTAS INAUGRAL NIGHT A report by sister-sassista

A report by sister-sassista

Well girls,
we had a lovely Inaugral Refashionista night even though we were low in numbers. (hope you're feeling better Jude.) Thanks very much to Kezistas for her kind offer to host at hers at the last minute and a thankyou also goes out to Neilista for tidying up and making teas. Although there was constant natter throughout the night, the girls were still productive. Kezista worked slowly but surely on her long time scarf project which has proven her ability to be patient and persitant..(even if its the wrong colors).
Belista was also in attendance and working away on a refashioned family heirloom. Being remodelled to give her a neck a look in...and thanks Bellista for the chocies even though they were stale (any chocolate is good chocolate I say.)
As for myself..well I refashioned a dress to become a 20's -esq dress good enough for a fancy dress night the following night. (fine dress...shit night..ah well. 20s night anyone??) I also completed 2 repairs on shirts and started a felted steiner toy dolphin. (rather productive really. But I did stick to the hand sewing..better the devil you know!!)
Overall a very successful first night. I would like to report that sassista (me) arrived in a fine pair of tracky dacks and an equally fine hooded windcheater. I was going to bring along my slippers but sadly forgot. I was most pleased to be refashioning in such comfort and would like to put forward that tracksuits, pjs or any other comfortabkle attire be the dress code of choice for a group such as ours.
There has also been interest in the group from outside women so perhaps we can discuss attendace matters at the next gathering.
Which by the way Judeista would be when????

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