Hi I'm 'Bloggita' the offspring of the refash sistas. Welcome to our world of sisterhood... I will attempt to report on their fortnightly gatherings and the creations, gossip and other events that evolve.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

others are slowing down

Kezzita recently passed this on to me...a fellow 'going slower'

she has some lovely things to say about slowing down and why its important.

go slow pledge
week 1.

My week this week has been slower overall. Although today and tomorrow are a little busy as I'd booked this training months ago and it involves some serious drop offs and pick ups anmd manic racing from place to place. But the training itself has been wonderful..and rather slow.

Earlier in the week though I...
had lunch with my mum...
went to a class at gym in the middle of the day..
arrived quite early to school pick up twice and had some lovely conversations with other parents.
I  had dinner at Kezitas after an impromptu visit to drop off tom's bike. It felt rather naughty mid week..but it went great and I'm really glad we did it.
I have been getting up slightly earlier than usual to address the morning madness..although I think I can get up even earlier.

slow changes to a busy life.

I have found that blogging takes a significant amount of time though and this poses a delimma. Do I cut blogging out as an unnecesaary timewasting past time. ?? Hmmm...I dont really want to  as I quite enjoy it..we'll see. Need  clarity from the refash sistas as to what the aim or purpose of this blog is.
ah well...off to paint now...big out breath......ahhhhhh

 so who else has done something a little slower this week or has been a little more present?? The more of us who do this the easier it will get.
I believe Lazzita could offer a few pearls of wisdom in the arena of 'going slow'. Lazz????

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