Hi I'm 'Bloggita' the offspring of the refash sistas. Welcome to our world of sisterhood... I will attempt to report on their fortnightly gatherings and the creations, gossip and other events that evolve.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

parachute pants from the op shop

Hi Sistas,
Pete is after some parachute pants..you know the ones that were very fashionable in the 80's..so if you happen to stop in an op shop (by chance) and see a pair, he'd love 'em. They are not to wear by the way, thank God...he's wanting to make kites.


Judita said...

v nice pic of Pinito. Where did he get all the hair?

sassita said...

its the wig he wears for me at night :)

Judita said...

That's funny. Scottito wears a bald wig for me.

sassita said...

oh how sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judita said...

I was only joking. But a long time ago, when he did shave his head once, I DID find it a bit sexy!!