in going slow-er this week I...
declined an offer to present for work
arrived at 3 destinations a little early and very relaxed
arrived on time for school drop off every day
Got out of bed 15 mins earlier than usual every day
(obviously the last 2 are closely related)
At times I find it very hard to say 'NO' especially when others need my support and time. I find it hard to say no when others are doing the job and working too hard and I could be helping them out. Am still working on that one..
A fortnightly gathering of wonderful women with creative projects. Coming together to refash, design, mend, chat, laugh, love and to inspire one another. SISTA'S FEED THE SOUL
Hi I'm 'Bloggita' the offspring of the refash sistas. Welcome to our world of sisterhood... I will attempt to report on their fortnightly gatherings and the creations, gossip and other events that evolve.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Going Slow - A Brief Guide to Life by Leo Babauta
Further to some of the Go Slow posts here is another post from Zen Habits with a simple guide to life in case anyone is interested. Click on the link in the title. Have a great weekend sistas. Jude x x
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Slow Mo....A Pledge to Slow Living
Once upon a time there was a car called Adrenal Junkie. Adrenal Junkie was a very busy little car, whose engine loved to run FAST!. She just adored revving her little engine and manically racing around to people and places. She was totally addicted to speed. She was the champion of multi tasking, productivity, efficiency and racing to the finish line. She was often the first one out of her garage; racing around so fast that she was totally unaware of the world around her…. Speeding fast and breaking the rules, going through lights and not noticing the signs around her, missing important routes, getting very lost and very tired.
Why did Adrenal Junkie live this way??? Well simply, she was addicted to adrenaline, it gave her an utter rush and complete buzz. But, she also loved to rush around at a fast speed for it enabled her to run away from the pain and suffering she was experiencing in her life. You see, deep down she was scared and fearful of feeling pain. By racing fast and keeping busy and distracted, Adrenal Junkie didn’t have to feel anything much but just the complete buzz of speed. She loved to do do do,
go, go, go!!!!!.
Often Adrenal Junkie would race around too fast and would have to skid to stop. Then came the day when her engine ran so fast that she crashed and burned. She ended up so sick with extreme fatigue and exhaustion that she had to stay in her garage for a long long time in order to get well again.
When she was back on track, Adrenal Junkie was blessed to be able to drive and guide children with disabilities and additional needs. These children ended up teaching Adrenal Junkie one of the greatest and most powerful lessons in her life……to JUST BE…..To be in the present, to slow down, to stop, look and listen, to laugh and to be playful. These divine children were great mentors to Adrenal Junkie, who finally ended up changing her name to Slow Mo.
Slow Mo has learnt that change is possible. She now tries to keep her engine at a cool and calm speed, to slow down, and to become aware of the people, roads and scenery around her. She has begun to STOP, to GIVE WAY, and to GO SLOW. She is learning to trust the road rules and the signs from the Universe, and is starting to drive under the speed limit. One of her best friends is her Peaceful Pitstop. She refuels frequently and often, rather than running on empty. She has regular services and check ups. She tries to be completely present in the precious moment, avoiding multi tasking. …. For when she is driving she is driving, when she is resting she is resting. She likes to approach her daily tasks with open and fresh head lights, as though she is experiencing brand new adventures and driving down old roads for the first time. She is also now at peace in doing things badly and learning lessons from her golden mistakes. She tries to really see, smell, hear, taste, touch, feel and connect with the things she drives past, and to frequently stop off in the car parks to sit in silence and stillness and breathe deeply. She is becoming addicted to her newly found neutral speed. Slow Mo enjoys cruising down the local ‘hood’ to play with the other cars, she fills her days with soulful and creative rituals, and does things that she truly loves, with those who truly love and nourish her. She tries to stop, and truly look and listen to those she loves so she is able to witness their beautiful unfolding.
There are still times in Slow Mo’s life where her engine does speed up and she begins to race around at a fast speed. But she now allows herself to face and feel the pain, as these are natural parts of life. She is learning to trust in herself that she has all she ever needs deep within her to assist change in direction. And she is learning to let go…….
Slow Mo has discovered that her crashes are separate from her and do not define her, and that she is not alone- all cars crash, it’s an inevitable part of life. By accepting life’s suffering allows her to live a happier, compassionate and more positive life. This opens her heart up to more peace, love and joy within her simple daily adventures, and makes the happy times blissful.
Slow Mo tries to be gentle, kind and patient to herself and others, and she loves to laughs at herself a lot!!! She often relishes in following no road map, being spontaneous, trying different streets to journey down, and ignoring the clock. She is learning to be comfortable with silence and to keep her mouth shut and her heart open.
During her travels, Slow Mo met the absolute love of her life, Monaro Mo, who is one of the most gentle, patient, fun, slow and simple souls on the streets (simple in the most inspiring way possible). Together, they have been completely blessed with a baby, Mini Minor, who makes their drive even sunnier, and who has become Slow Mo’s most
wise Guru to Slow and Soulful Living.
This is Slow Mo’s story. Slow Mo is not saying that her way is the ‘perfect way’ for we are all different and unique cars, and after all Slow Mo is less than perfect and proud! Her way of driving is not right or wrong, good or bad…. It just is…. It’s simply her way which allows her to BE more peaceful, loving, calm, joyful, playful, and happy, and most importantly she says to “Just be Me “……..xoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxo
The End.
Once upon a time there was a car called Adrenal Junkie. Adrenal Junkie was a very busy little car, whose engine loved to run FAST!. She just adored revving her little engine and manically racing around to people and places. She was totally addicted to speed. She was the champion of multi tasking, productivity, efficiency and racing to the finish line. She was often the first one out of her garage; racing around so fast that she was totally unaware of the world around her…. Speeding fast and breaking the rules, going through lights and not noticing the signs around her, missing important routes, getting very lost and very tired.
Why did Adrenal Junkie live this way??? Well simply, she was addicted to adrenaline, it gave her an utter rush and complete buzz. But, she also loved to rush around at a fast speed for it enabled her to run away from the pain and suffering she was experiencing in her life. You see, deep down she was scared and fearful of feeling pain. By racing fast and keeping busy and distracted, Adrenal Junkie didn’t have to feel anything much but just the complete buzz of speed. She loved to do do do,
go, go, go!!!!!.
Often Adrenal Junkie would race around too fast and would have to skid to stop. Then came the day when her engine ran so fast that she crashed and burned. She ended up so sick with extreme fatigue and exhaustion that she had to stay in her garage for a long long time in order to get well again.
When she was back on track, Adrenal Junkie was blessed to be able to drive and guide children with disabilities and additional needs. These children ended up teaching Adrenal Junkie one of the greatest and most powerful lessons in her life……to JUST BE…..To be in the present, to slow down, to stop, look and listen, to laugh and to be playful. These divine children were great mentors to Adrenal Junkie, who finally ended up changing her name to Slow Mo.
Slow Mo has learnt that change is possible. She now tries to keep her engine at a cool and calm speed, to slow down, and to become aware of the people, roads and scenery around her. She has begun to STOP, to GIVE WAY, and to GO SLOW. She is learning to trust the road rules and the signs from the Universe, and is starting to drive under the speed limit. One of her best friends is her Peaceful Pitstop. She refuels frequently and often, rather than running on empty. She has regular services and check ups. She tries to be completely present in the precious moment, avoiding multi tasking. …. For when she is driving she is driving, when she is resting she is resting. She likes to approach her daily tasks with open and fresh head lights, as though she is experiencing brand new adventures and driving down old roads for the first time. She is also now at peace in doing things badly and learning lessons from her golden mistakes. She tries to really see, smell, hear, taste, touch, feel and connect with the things she drives past, and to frequently stop off in the car parks to sit in silence and stillness and breathe deeply. She is becoming addicted to her newly found neutral speed. Slow Mo enjoys cruising down the local ‘hood’ to play with the other cars, she fills her days with soulful and creative rituals, and does things that she truly loves, with those who truly love and nourish her. She tries to stop, and truly look and listen to those she loves so she is able to witness their beautiful unfolding.
There are still times in Slow Mo’s life where her engine does speed up and she begins to race around at a fast speed. But she now allows herself to face and feel the pain, as these are natural parts of life. She is learning to trust in herself that she has all she ever needs deep within her to assist change in direction. And she is learning to let go…….
Slow Mo has discovered that her crashes are separate from her and do not define her, and that she is not alone- all cars crash, it’s an inevitable part of life. By accepting life’s suffering allows her to live a happier, compassionate and more positive life. This opens her heart up to more peace, love and joy within her simple daily adventures, and makes the happy times blissful.
Slow Mo tries to be gentle, kind and patient to herself and others, and she loves to laughs at herself a lot!!! She often relishes in following no road map, being spontaneous, trying different streets to journey down, and ignoring the clock. She is learning to be comfortable with silence and to keep her mouth shut and her heart open.
During her travels, Slow Mo met the absolute love of her life, Monaro Mo, who is one of the most gentle, patient, fun, slow and simple souls on the streets (simple in the most inspiring way possible). Together, they have been completely blessed with a baby, Mini Minor, who makes their drive even sunnier, and who has become Slow Mo’s most
wise Guru to Slow and Soulful Living.
This is Slow Mo’s story. Slow Mo is not saying that her way is the ‘perfect way’ for we are all different and unique cars, and after all Slow Mo is less than perfect and proud! Her way of driving is not right or wrong, good or bad…. It just is…. It’s simply her way which allows her to BE more peaceful, loving, calm, joyful, playful, and happy, and most importantly she says to “Just be Me “……..xoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxo
The End.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
others are slowing down
Kezzita recently passed this on to me...a fellow 'going slower'
she has some lovely things to say about slowing down and why its important.
go slow pledge
week 1.
My week this week has been slower overall. Although today and tomorrow are a little busy as I'd booked this training months ago and it involves some serious drop offs and pick ups anmd manic racing from place to place. But the training itself has been wonderful..and rather slow.
Earlier in the week though I...
had lunch with my mum...
went to a class at gym in the middle of the day..
arrived quite early to school pick up twice and had some lovely conversations with other parents.
I had dinner at Kezitas after an impromptu visit to drop off tom's bike. It felt rather naughty mid week..but it went great and I'm really glad we did it.
I have been getting up slightly earlier than usual to address the morning madness..although I think I can get up even earlier.
slow changes to a busy life.
I have found that blogging takes a significant amount of time though and this poses a delimma. Do I cut blogging out as an unnecesaary timewasting past time. ?? Hmmm...I dont really want to as I quite enjoy it..we'll see. Need clarity from the refash sistas as to what the aim or purpose of this blog is.
ah to paint now...big out breath......ahhhhhh
so who else has done something a little slower this week or has been a little more present?? The more of us who do this the easier it will get.
I believe Lazzita could offer a few pearls of wisdom in the arena of 'going slow'. Lazz????
she has some lovely things to say about slowing down and why its important.
go slow pledge
week 1.
My week this week has been slower overall. Although today and tomorrow are a little busy as I'd booked this training months ago and it involves some serious drop offs and pick ups anmd manic racing from place to place. But the training itself has been wonderful..and rather slow.
Earlier in the week though I...
had lunch with my mum...
went to a class at gym in the middle of the day..
arrived quite early to school pick up twice and had some lovely conversations with other parents.
I had dinner at Kezitas after an impromptu visit to drop off tom's bike. It felt rather naughty mid week..but it went great and I'm really glad we did it.
I have been getting up slightly earlier than usual to address the morning madness..although I think I can get up even earlier.
slow changes to a busy life.
I have found that blogging takes a significant amount of time though and this poses a delimma. Do I cut blogging out as an unnecesaary timewasting past time. ?? Hmmm...I dont really want to as I quite enjoy it..we'll see. Need clarity from the refash sistas as to what the aim or purpose of this blog is.
ah to paint now...big out breath......ahhhhhh
so who else has done something a little slower this week or has been a little more present?? The more of us who do this the easier it will get.
I believe Lazzita could offer a few pearls of wisdom in the arena of 'going slow'. Lazz????
Monday, August 16, 2010
re sweatering
Hi cute are these...I found them whilst checking out the Sewjourn site..
Rob has been re-jumpering with some very cute arm/hand warmers which she'll repair next refash.
We need a snap to show them off Robista
Rob has been re-jumpering with some very cute arm/hand warmers which she'll repair next refash.
We need a snap to show them off Robista
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A Pledge to Slow Living
A Pledge to Slow Living
After all that has gone on for me this year I have taken a couple of days off to go slow. I have no plans and have been using this precious time in the garden, at the gym, blogging, reading my newly favourite. mag, cleaning the pot cupboard (FINALLY they don’t all fall out now!!) I have been going slower with the girls; spending time rolling on the bed, taking time to really watch them do their thing instead of ‘oh yea aha, come on lets go now.’ I’ve been leaving to go places a little earlier so I am not a stress freak getting there. I have been sitting in front of the heater patting my cat, painting, felting, sorting photos…I’ve been pottering and going slow..ahhhhhhhh.
I have become aware over the past year or so that slowing down is very important to me. I need to go slow to be happy, relaxed and at peace with my life. I am a far better mother, lover and friend when I approach life this way.
So this time off has not only revived me a little but highlighted my need for slow.
So I am committing publicly to ‘slow living’. I will need to say ‘no’ more often. and schedule my time a little better. Leaving time to arrive places promptly without having rushed, stressed and sweated. Without having said ‘come on….hurry up’ to my kids even once. Allowing time for lost shoes, tired undressed children, and sibling fights. I will need to select very carefully where I put my time and energy making room for going slow. I will also need to be kind to myself and forgive myself for frantic days that are just impossible to slow down.
I don’t think there is ever an ideal time to start doing this so I will start now.
I am going to note at least 1 thing I do each day that has slowed my day down and will put them on the blog every so often. I figure even if I can slow down a little that’s got to be good.
I invite any of the sista’s or anyone else out there to pledge to ‘slow living’. If you can’t start now maybe you can forsee a time in the future where life might be a bit less busy and you could start some ‘slow livin’
Lets face it sista’s many of us need to slow down…I’m not the only 1 am I?????????????????/
After all that has gone on for me this year I have taken a couple of days off to go slow. I have no plans and have been using this precious time in the garden, at the gym, blogging, reading my newly favourite. mag, cleaning the pot cupboard (FINALLY they don’t all fall out now!!) I have been going slower with the girls; spending time rolling on the bed, taking time to really watch them do their thing instead of ‘oh yea aha, come on lets go now.’ I’ve been leaving to go places a little earlier so I am not a stress freak getting there. I have been sitting in front of the heater patting my cat, painting, felting, sorting photos…I’ve been pottering and going slow..ahhhhhhhh.
I have become aware over the past year or so that slowing down is very important to me. I need to go slow to be happy, relaxed and at peace with my life. I am a far better mother, lover and friend when I approach life this way.
So this time off has not only revived me a little but highlighted my need for slow.
So I am committing publicly to ‘slow living’. I will need to say ‘no’ more often. and schedule my time a little better. Leaving time to arrive places promptly without having rushed, stressed and sweated. Without having said ‘come on….hurry up’ to my kids even once. Allowing time for lost shoes, tired undressed children, and sibling fights. I will need to select very carefully where I put my time and energy making room for going slow. I will also need to be kind to myself and forgive myself for frantic days that are just impossible to slow down.
I don’t think there is ever an ideal time to start doing this so I will start now.
I am going to note at least 1 thing I do each day that has slowed my day down and will put them on the blog every so often. I figure even if I can slow down a little that’s got to be good.
I invite any of the sista’s or anyone else out there to pledge to ‘slow living’. If you can’t start now maybe you can forsee a time in the future where life might be a bit less busy and you could start some ‘slow livin’
Lets face it sista’s many of us need to slow down…I’m not the only 1 am I?????????????????/
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
kezitas string balls
Here are the string balls Kezzita made after reading the Readymade "How To" Judita sent us. I love 'em Kezzita. Let's hope you become as excited about these as you did about buttons...dare I say obsessional (takes one to know one). If you do go crazy on these I'd love one in Autumnal colors.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
crocheted stones
check out the crocheted stones on this site sistas...I got one as a is amazing!!!!!!
thankyou sistas (and fairies)
This message is a thank you to all my sistas over the past year while dad has been sick and life has been challening.
Thankyou for all your phone calls and texts, thankyou for all the food that you dropped off, thankyou for understanding when I didn't reply and needed to go underground and hide away, thankyou for encouraging me out when I needed to get out, thankyou for organising things when I couldn't get organised, thankyou for the long, secure hugs I recieved when I needed to be held, thankyou for the notes and gifts that magically appeared, thankyou for sitting with me as I cried and thankyou for 'being there'.
I always felt held along this journey even when I hadn't seen or spoken to any of you for awhile..there were always little signs here and there that I was very much in your thought and hearts and I felt that..very much!!
..and when dad died you were there for me.. it was so special to see you all around me at the memorial.
And of course thankyou to those myseterious fairies (whoever they may be) and the giant they befriended to give our garden a makeover. Here are some pics..oh those fairies are divine..they held their own little ritual for dad after getting the giant to tidy up our rather unkept garden. The wreath was laid in the middle and all the fairies were lining up in a ceremonious manner.
So in honour of dad I have kept the wreath and have hung it over the birdhouse he made me
GOD My dad would have loved every single one of you so much. You are all just the sort of person he was drawn, crazy, wacky, naughty but also kind, generous and loving. He would have teased you all about the crazy things you make like birthday branches and doiley t-shirts. But he would also have thought it very clever and would have bragged to everyone about it. I spoke to dad alot about our group and he was always asking when we'd last met and what had happened. Dad was indeed an inventor and creator himself who also loved groups and clubs. I guess I get alot my 'refash-ishness' from my dad.
thanks dad!
Thankyou for all your phone calls and texts, thankyou for all the food that you dropped off, thankyou for understanding when I didn't reply and needed to go underground and hide away, thankyou for encouraging me out when I needed to get out, thankyou for organising things when I couldn't get organised, thankyou for the long, secure hugs I recieved when I needed to be held, thankyou for the notes and gifts that magically appeared, thankyou for sitting with me as I cried and thankyou for 'being there'.
I always felt held along this journey even when I hadn't seen or spoken to any of you for awhile..there were always little signs here and there that I was very much in your thought and hearts and I felt that..very much!!
..and when dad died you were there for me.. it was so special to see you all around me at the memorial.

So in honour of dad I have kept the wreath and have hung it over the birdhouse he made me
GOD My dad would have loved every single one of you so much. You are all just the sort of person he was drawn, crazy, wacky, naughty but also kind, generous and loving. He would have teased you all about the crazy things you make like birthday branches and doiley t-shirts. But he would also have thought it very clever and would have bragged to everyone about it. I spoke to dad alot about our group and he was always asking when we'd last met and what had happened. Dad was indeed an inventor and creator himself who also loved groups and clubs. I guess I get alot my 'refash-ishness' from my dad.
thanks dad!
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